January 2024

I will join the Future Cities Lab at Centrale Supélec - Université Paris-Saclay as a postdoctoral researcher under the supervision of Professor Jakob Puchinger and Professor Adam Abdin, focusing on developing novel algorithms for designing, planning, and operating on-demand transport systems in an intermodal context. My research will primarily revolve around data analysis, planning, and optimization under uncertainty for on-demand transport systems within large urban regions. I will also explore the intricate interactions between electric vehicles and power systems as part of this research. Stay tuned for updates on my work at the intersection of transportation systems, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and optimization.

December 2023

I am delighted to share that our paper, titled Optimal Pricing for Dual-Channel Retailing with Stochastic Attraction Demand Model, has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Production Economics (ABDC A/CNRS 1/FNEGE 1/HCERES A/Scimago Q1).

November 2023

I serve as the session chair for the Pricing Strategies session at PGMO Days 2023 - Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization, Operations Research, and their interactions with Data Science. During the session, I deliver a presentation titled Pricing Strategy for Dual-Channel Retailing Using a Stochastic Attraction-Demand Model.

August 2023

I participate in the 10th Vietnam Mathematical Congress, where I deliver a talk titled Pricing Strategies for Dual-Channel Retailers with a Stochastic Attraction Demand Model.

February 2023

I participate in the 24th Annual Congress of the French Operations Research & Decision Support Society, where I deliver a talk titled A Data-Driven Approach for the Newsvendor Problem Subject to Inventory Inaccuracy.

August 2022

I present a talk on Optimal Pricing for Multi-Channel Retailing with a Stochastic Attraction Demand Model at the 21st International Symposium on Inventories.

July 2022

I start my summer school in Bernoulli Center, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne. This event is to discuss modern trends and exciting recent results in Combinatorial Optimizations.